Research & Development
By collaborating with those who have suffered and been transformed by their grief, and in partnership with front-line practitioners and academic researchers, Grief Reconciliation International™ has developed ways to make available, to a larger public, information and best practices on the topic of reconciliation.
Evaluation is integrated into our training. Participants are invited to complete pre- and post-questionnaires, and together with an analysis of discussion themes, the results of the training are documented in a confidential summary report. The report is presented back to the sponsoring organization to share with training participants and to use as an organizational planning tool.
Academic Research
Dr. Jan Hatanaka is the founder of the Grief Reconciliation™ Initiative, Faculty of Health, York University. The goal of this initiative is to lead, conduct and support research designed to:
The Grief Reconciliation™ Fund:
Grief Reconciliation™ Fund welcomes donations from individuals and organizations seeking to advance knowledge and best practice in the emerging field of reconciliation. 100% of donations and income (education and training fees, royalties) are re-invested in the organization to support its mission. A tax receipt will be issued for donations.
To make a donation, please contact: The Grief Reconciliation™ Fund Attention: Jo Anne Ryan Vice President, Philanthropic Advisory Services at TD Wealth and Executive Director of the Private Giving Foundation (416) 308-6735
Grief Reconciliation™ Fund, held within TD Wealth, Private Giving Foundation, is an independent, non-profit charitable corporation registered as a public foundation with the Canada Revenue Agency and with the Quebec Ministry of Revenue (Charitable Registration # 85721 0744 RR0001).
Please contact Grief Reconciliation International™ Inc. to discuss potential funding support and/or matching opportunities through The Grief Reconciliation™ Fund.