Tools & Resources
Our tools and resources are supported by sound research and best practice. We bridge the gap between complex academic articles, that can be difficult to understand and self-help material, that may not be based on research.
This space will be used to provide additional articles to help individuals navigate the multifaceted challenges of grief and trauma.
Our tools and resources are supported by sound research and best practice. We bridge the gap between complex academic articles, that can be difficult to understand and self-help material, that may not be based on research.
This space will be used to provide additional articles to help individuals navigate the multifaceted challenges of grief and trauma.
The Choice: Finding Life in the Face of Adversity
Using six stories from her casebook as a therapist, author Dr. Jan Hatanaka explores and illustrates the complex relationship that exists between grief, and the path that can lead to the reconciliation of that grief. Hatanaka draws on her personal, clinical, and academic experience as she takes the reader through the Grief Reconciliation Process, describing the actual steps taken by people who consciously choose to re-build a life of meaning in the face of significant adversity.
“The Choice is brilliant in its simple, gentle, and profound exploration of the reality of suffering as a part of the human experience.” Richard Nielsen, Norflicks Productions
The Natural Brilliance of the Soul: A Soldier’s Story of War and Reconciliation
“Dr. Hatanaka’s exhaustive research and analysis have resulted in a book that should be an essential tool for those professionals who are assisting our soldiers having difficulties adjusting to life after the stress of service in a war zone. Likewise, soldiers, their families, and their friends experiencing difficulties understanding their own feelings and frustrations would benefit from taking the time to read this practical toolbox of ideas.”
–Lewis MacKenzie, CM, OOnt, MSC and Bar, CD Major-General (Ret’d)
“Je trouve ce livre passionnant car il révèle comment les soldats rentrant des lieux de guerre sont appelés à vivre des transitions énormes pour retrouver un sens à leur vie.” Jean Vanier, CC GOQ
Documentary Films
At Grief Reconciliation International ™ we believe that the reconciliation of grief can provide significant long term benefits to the health and well-being of impacted individuals and their families. In addition to our training programs, we have worked diligently to broaden our exposure to a wider audience by producing film and television content. A brief description of our films to date can be found below. If you are interested in learning more about the projects that we are planning, please reach out to us for more information. If you are interested in screening one of our films, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
Jean Vanier at 80: A Journey to Meaning
Aired on Vision TV. Jean Vanier discusses how to gain from loss with host Jan Hatanaka.
Grief as a Process – Jean Vanier at 80
Aired on Vision TV. Jean Vanier discusses the hope hidden in affliction with host Jan Hatanaka.
Perspectives on Grief and Reconciliation
While practices may differ within spiritual traditions, the big questions about grief and the need to learn to reconcile grief are universal as seen through the first-hand accounts of spiritual advisors from around the world.